主 讲 人:张炳森 项目研究员(催化材料研究部)
时 间:4月22日(周二)上午10:00—11:30
地 点:李薰楼 468 会议室
Catalysis is the science of chemical reactions on an atomic or molecular level. The structure of catalyst is complex and associated with their ability to undergo in every catalytic cycle. It is essential to understand the synthesis-structure-property relationship for improving their performance. Advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques and associate detectors, such as X-rays, backscattered electrons and electron energy loss spectroscopy, are powerful and versatile research tools for probing the structural information of nanostructured catalysts. It can provide local information of surface and bulk of samples at atomic scale and also reveal chemical, electronic, and three-dimensional structural information, which are relevant to their electrical or catalytic properties significantly affecting the performance. Here, selected several examples will be demonstrated in this presentation.