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2014-11-19 | 供稿: 青年职工俱乐部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目:Use of low-energy electron beam for the characterization of optical properties

  人:Benjamin DIERRE
NIMS Saint-Gobain Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials, Japan


  点:李薰楼 468 会议室


  For the development of new opto-electronic devices, materials with improved properties are required. It can be achieved by improving their growth mechanism, controlling their morphologies, or changing their compositions. The characterization of their optical properties becomes a critical issue since their optical properties are strongly related to the local structure of the materials, which can be affected by defects, impurities or other phase coexistence. Thus, the observation of the luminescence distribution in micro- and nano-scale is necessary in order to control and improve the materials performance.

  For such purpose, low-voltage cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy is a powerful technique. The use of electron as an excitation source allows the detection of the most of the luminescence centers, reveals their luminescence distribution spatially and in depth, and allows a direct comparison with other electron-based techniques like TEM or EDS. The advantages of CL for the investigation of opto-electronic materials will be highlighted through examples, in particular SiAlON phosphors.



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