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2015-01-21 | 供稿: 青年职工俱乐部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  报告题目:Micro-architectured Ni-based Superalloys: Some (Un)Usual Suspects

  主讲嘉宾: 王聪 教授(东北大学 材料与冶金学院)

  活动时间: 126 (周一) 下午14:0016:00

    : 李薰楼468会议室


  Novel architectured materials can be developed efficiently using topological optimization methods to predict ideal materials architectures, and advanced 3D textile-based manufacturing, such as weaving and braiding, can fabricate large volumes of these periodic architectures, which may possess unusual combination of high permeability (thus heat transfer properties) and superior mechanical properties. Successful fabrication of architecturally designed Ni-base superalloy woven structures is of particular interest to actively-cooled structural materials operating in high-temperature, high-stress, oxidative and corrosive environments, e.g., turbine blades, shrouds, and load-bearing thermal management units including heat exchangers and heat pipes.

  In this talk, Ni-20 wt.% Cr wires, as individual wires or within 3D woven structures, are alloyed with Mo, Al and Ti by gas-phase surface deposition and volume interdiffusion. Mo deposition creates Mo-rich coating and Kirkendall pores. Al+Ti co-deposition creates uniform triple-layered coating. The resulting homogenized and aged Ni-(17.4-19.6)Cr-(1.6-1.8)Al-(2.5-3.6)Ti-(1.5-4.5)Mo(wt.%) wires exhibit γ+γ’ superalloy microstructure. This demonstrates 3D-woven Ni-base structures can be woven with ductile Ni-Cr wires, which are transformed, via gas-phase alloying and heat-treatments, into multi-element superalloys with solid-state bonding at wire contacts.



  现任冶金类权威期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Key Reader。并担任国际期刊Journal of Materials Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard MaterialsJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance等编委。应邀出任JOM客座编辑。先后组织国际回收会议,以及材料制备基础研究能源技术及二氧化碳管理等国际研讨会。 2013年始,担任ASM International Grossman Young Author Award/Howe Medal评审委员会委员。自2014年始,担任矿物、金属和材料学会能源委员会副主委。




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