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11.27】功能材料沙龙第33期活动  王成亮 教授
题目:Conjugated Systems: From Organic Electronics to Batteries
2017-11-22 | 供稿: 青年职工俱乐部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  报告题目:Conjugated Systems: From Organic Electronics to Batteries

  主讲嘉宾:王成亮 教授(华中科技大学)

  时  间:11月27日(周一)10:00—11:30

  地  点:李薰楼468会议室


  Conjugated materials have been widely adopted in organic field-effect transistors, organic light-emitting diodes and organic photovoltaics. Although the conductive polymers were also adopted as electrode materials in the pioneer studies, in which electric energy was stored by delocalization of the charges on the conjugated systems, the absence of electrochemical active centers results in inferior electrochemical performance, low reversibility and sloping voltage. The discovery of carbonyl groups as active centers ignited scientists’ attention on organic electrode materials around 2008. Inspired by our experience in conjugated systems for organic electronics, important factors for high performance batteries especially with high capacity and long-term cyclability under fast-charge and -discharge process are investigated based on conjugated materials. We believe that these studies can provoke stimulating interests of conjugated materials for high performance batteries and pave a way to achieve flexible batteries in foreseeable large-scale flexible and wearable electronics.


  王成亮,现为华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院,武汉国家光电实验室(筹)教授、博士生导师。2005年本科毕业于南京大学,2010年博士毕业为中科院化学所,随后在香港中文大学、明斯特大学、伊尔梅瑙理工大学做博士后研究,2016年起入职华中科技大学。主要从事有机、高分子共轭材料的分子设计和合成及其在场效应晶体管、能量储存体系(有机锂离子、有机钠离子电池)方面的应用。迄今在Chem. Rev.,Chem. Soc. Rev.,Adv. Mater.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Adv. Energy Mater.,ACS Nano,Nano Energy,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,研究成果受到广泛关注。




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