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Assoc. Prof. Labbé Christophe
题目:Si based down-conversion layer for solar cell efficiency improvement
2018-11-22 | 供稿: 青年职工俱乐部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  报告题目:Si based down-conversion layer for solar cell efficiency improvement 

  主讲嘉宾:Assoc. Prof. Labbé Christophe  

       CIMAP Laboratory, Caen , Normandy, France 


  时   间:1128日(周三)10:00-11:30 

  地   点:李薰楼356会议室  



  After a brief presentation of the CIMAP (Research Center on Ions, Materials and Photonic), an introduction of the different subjects of my team "NIMPH" (Nanomaterials, Ions and Metamaterials for Photonics) is proposed. I will particularly focus my presentation on the down-converter layers based on rare earth doping to improve the efficiency of the solar cells. 

  Indeed, one promising solution to increase the solar cells efficiency consists in developing down-converter layers compatible with the silicon industry which absorb UV photons and convert them into IR ones. To achieve such a goal, rare earth (RE) ions doped silicon nitride-based thin films have been deposited by reactive magnetron co-sputtering. This nitride host matrix allows a high RE ions incorporation while avoiding the clustering effect observed in silicon oxide matrices. Moreover, it has been used as an efficient antireflective layer contributing also to a better efficiency of the Si solar cells. Two different co-doping with RE ions have been chosen i.e. Tb3+-Yb3+ and Ce3+-Yb3+. 

  The first step of this work is focused on achieving an intense emission of Tb3+ or Ce3+ ions by optimizing the deposition parameters. In the case of Tb3+ ions, the goal is to enhance the coupling between sensitizers and Tb3+ ion activator, whereas in the case of Ce3+ ions, the optimized 4f-5d transitions allow achieving a direct efficient excitation of the RE ions. A comparison between the excitation efficiency of each co-doped system will be presented. 

  The second step consists in the incorporation of Yb3+ ions with an increasing content to optimize the Tb3+/Ce3+-Yb3+ ions coupling with the aim at obtaining an intense emission at 980 nm just above the Si fundamental band gap. The excitation mechanisms of Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions will be discussed. Furthermore, the IR quantum cutting efficiency will be determined by photoluminescence decay time measurements (above 180%). 





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