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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度 论文编号
Study of Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Multilayered Ni Coatings by Ultrasound-assisted Electrodeposition Li H W, Xing L L, Niu Y S, Zhu S L, Wang F H MATERIALS RESEATRCH 2020
Effect of Pt-rich position on the hot corrosion behavior of NiCoCrAlY coating for a single-crystal superalloy Yang Y F, Ren P, Bao Z B, Zhu S L, Wang F H, Li W SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 2020
Effect of Copper-Doped Titanium Nitride Coating on Angiogenesis Liu H, Zhang X Y, Jin S J, Zhao Y H, Ren L, Yang K MATERIALS LETTERS 2020
沉积工艺参数对电弧离子镀薄膜沉积速率影响的研究进展 赵彦辉,史文博,刘忠海,赵升升,王铁钢,于宝海 真空与低温 2020
Effect of vacuum annealing on initial oxidation behavior and alumina transition of NiCoCrAlY coatings Ullah A, Khan A, Bao Z B, Yu C T, Wang F H Surface & Coatings Technology 2020
Preparation and oxidation performance of a low-diffusion Pt-modified aluminide coating with Re-base diffusion barrier Liu H, Li S, Jiang C Y, Bao Z B, Zhu S L, Wang F H Corrosion Science 2020
Improving Cyclic Oxidation Resistance of Ni3Al-Based Single Crystal Superalloy with Low-Diffusion Platinum-Modified Aluminide Coating Liu H, Xu M M, Li S, Bao Z B, Zhu S L, Wang F H Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Effect of Hf addition in (Ni,Pt)Al bond coat on thermal cycling behavior of a thermal barrier coating system at 1100 °C Jiang C Y, Li S, Liu H, Bao Z B, Zhang J Q, Zhu S L, Wang F H Corrosion Science 2020
粘结层真空退火处理对热障涂层热循环寿命的影响研究 刘贺,李帅,余春堂,蒋成洋,鲍泽斌,朱圣龙,王福会 表面技术 2020
A primary study of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on stress corrosion cracking of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution Liu R, Cui Y, Liu L, Zhang B, Wang F H Corrosion Science 2020
Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Behavior of Low-Alloy Steel Exposed to a Simulated Marine Atmospheric Environment Pan C, Cui Y, Liu L, Guo M X, Wang Z Y Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2020
Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the galvanic corrosion of 90/10 Cu-Ni alloy coupled to Ti6Al4V alloy Hu S B, Liu R, Liu L, Cui Y, Oguzie Emeka E, Wang F H Corrosion Science 2020
Synergetic effect of graphene and Co(OH)2 as cocatalysts of TiO2 nanotubes for enhanced photogenerated cathodic protection Lu X Y, Liu L, Xie X, Cui Y, Oguzie Emeka E, Wang F H Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Enhanced plasma carburizing by hollow cathode discharge for laser melting deposited 12CrNi2 alloy steel Z.H. Dong, W. Zhang, H.W. Kang, Y.J. Xie, X. Peng Surface & Coatings Technology 2020
等温淬火对激光增材制造12CrNi2 合金钢组织和拉伸性能的影响 亢红伟,董志宏,张炜,谢玉江,迟长泰,彭晓 激光与光电子学进展 2020
回火对激光增材制造12CrNi2合金钢显微组织和力学性能的影响 张炜, 董志宏, 亢红伟, 彭晓 材料热处理学报 2020
选区激光熔化成形24CrNiMo合金钢的组织结构与力学性能研究 杨晨, 董志宏, 彭晓 中国激光 2020
Retarding the precipitation of η phase in Fe-Ni based alloy through grain boundary engineering Hu H L , Zhao M J , Rong L J Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Effect of grain boundary character distribution on hydrogen embrittlement in Fe-Ni based alloy Hu H L , Zhao M J , Chen S H, Rong L J Materials Science and Engineering A 2020
Influence of Mn on the negative natural aging effect in 6082 Al alloy Cui Z J, Jiang H C, Zhang D, Song Y Y, Yan D S, Rong L J MATERIALS SCIENCE&ENGINEERING A 2020
Ferrite formation and its effect on the mechnical properties of heavy-section AISI 316 stainless steel casting Wang Q Y, Chen S H, Rong L J Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 2020
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained ferritic-martensitic steel during thermal aging Chen S H, Jin X J, Rong L J Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 2020
不锈钢堆焊层稀释率对核电接管安全端试环焊接接头组织和力学性能的影响 张茂龙,鲁艳红,陈胜虎,戎利建,陆皓 金属学报 2020
含1.4%Cu的HSLA钢的组织和力学性能 杜瑜宾, 胡小锋, 张守清, 宋元元, 姜海昌, 戎利建 金属学报 2020
海洋平台用Ni-Cr-Mo-B超厚钢板的截面效应 张守清, 胡小锋, 杜瑜宾, 姜海昌, 庞辉勇, 戎利建 金属学报 2020
G-355NH耐候钢在不同区域气候环境中的大气腐蚀行为研究 潘雪新,姜海昌,胡小锋,付鸿,黄耀,韩军科,武飞 材料保护 2020
激光淬火对高速动车组EA4T车轴钢组织和性能的影响 潘雪新,常红,李忠文,胡小峰,付鸿,姜海昌, 金属热处理 2020
抗氢合金J75中低ΣCSL晶界的形成与演化 胡红磊 赵明久 戎利建 稀有金属材料与工程 2020
含Bi笔头用易切削不锈钢的微观组织及力学性能 宋元元,吴宪吉,孔凡亚,戎利建 材料热处理学报 2020
含不同易切削元素的笔头用易切削不锈钢微观组织的研究 宋元元,孔凡亚,李红军,戎利建 中国制笔 2020
夹杂物对15MnB钢冲击性能的影响 杨志荣,闫德胜,杨怀君 金属热处理 2020
淬火工艺及 Nb元素对30MnB5 钢原奥氏体晶粒度的影响 杨志荣,闫德胜,杨怀君 金属热处理 2020
Coercivity mechanism and effect of Dy element in anisotropic LaPrFeB multilayers with Dy diffusion Li Y., Zhao X.T., Liu W., Ma J., Liu L., Song Y.H. Deng W.Y., Qi L.J., Zhao X.G., Zhang Z.D. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2020
Influence of rare earth metal Ho on the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and spin torque efficiency in Pt/Co/Ho multilayers Liu L., Zhao X.T., Liu W., Song Y.H., Zhao X.G., Zhang Z.D. NANOSCALE 2020
Field-free switching of a spin-orbit-torque device through interlayer-coupling induced domain walls Zhao X. T., Ji L. Z.,Liu W., Li S . K., Liu L., Song Y. H., Li Y., Ma J., Sun X. D., Wang H. W., Zhao X. G. and Zhang Z.D. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 2020

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