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Small punch creep performance of heterogeneous microstructure dominated Inconel 718 fabricated by selective laser melting Wang L Y, Wang Y C, Zhou Z J, Wan H Y, Li C P, Chen G F, Zhang G P MATERIALS & DESIGN 2020
A unified model for determining fracture strain of metal films on flexible substrates Wu X P, Luo X M, Chen H L, Zou J P, Zhang G P JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020
Cumulative shear strain induced preferential orientation during abnormal grain growth near fatigue crack tips of nanocrystalline Au films Zheng S X, Luo X M, Zhang G P JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 2020
Creep induced precipitation of the (Cr,Mo)5B3-type boride in γ/γ′ eutectic of a Ni-based superalloy Ge H L, Yang Y Q,Zheng S J,Liu K,Ma X L MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 2020
Basal shearing of twinned stacking faults and its effect on mechanical properties in an Mg–Zn–Y alloy with LPSO phase Shao X H, Jin Q Q, Zhou Y T, Yang H J, Zheng S J, Zhang B, Chen Q, Ma X L MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 2020
Enhanced very high cycle fatigue resistance of solution treated Mg–10Gd–3Y–1Zn–0.5Zr magnesium alloy containing long-period stacking ordered phase Shao X H, Liu H Q, Yang H J, He C, Su N, Wu Y J, Chen Q, Ma X L MATERIALIA 2020
Interfacial dislocations dominated lateral growth of long-period stacking ordered phase in Mg alloys Jin Q Q, Shao X H, Zheng S J, Zhou Y T, Zhang B, Ma X L JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020
Stacking faults and growth twins in long-period stacking ordered structures in a near-equilibrium Mg97Zn1Y2 alloy Jin Q Q, Shao X H, Yang L X, Zhou Y T, Zhang B, Zheng S J, Ma X L MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 2020
Faceted Kurdjumov-Sachs interface-induced slip continuity in the eutectic high-entropy alloy, AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Xiong T, Yang W F, Zheng S J, Liu Z R, Lu Y P, Zhang R F, Zhou Y T, Shao X H, Zhang B, Wang J, Yin F X, Liaw P K, Ma X L JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020
High-strength and high-ductility AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy achieved via precipitation strengthening in a heterogeneous structure Xiong T,Zheng S J, Pang J Y, Ma X L SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2020
Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Film with an Out-of-Plane Electrical Conductivity Yao T T, Jiang Y X, Chen C L, Yan X X, Tao A, Yang L X, Li C H, Sugo K, Ohta H, Ye H Q, Ikuhara Y, Ma X L Nano Letters 2020
半个单胞Sr2Nb2O7和Sr5Nb5O17的原子与电子结构 江亦潇,姚婷婷,陈春林,马秀良,叶恒强 电子显微学报 2020
Enhanced magnetic properties and thermal stability of highly ordered ε-Fe3N1+x (-0.12≤ x≤-0.01) nanoparticles Li Y., Pan D. S., Zhou Y. T., Kuang Q.F., Wang C. W., Li B., Zhang B. S., Park, J., Li D. Nanoscale 2020
Ultrahigh-energy storage properties of (PbCa)ZrO3 antiferroelectric thin films via constructing a pyrochlore nanocrystalline structure Li Y. Z., Lin J. L., Bai Y., Li Y. X., Zhang Z. D. & Wang Z. J. ACS Nano 2020
High energy storage performance in Ca-doped PbZrO3 antiferroelectric films Li Y. Z., Wang Z. J., Bai Y., & Zhang Z. D. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2020
Magnetic transitions in metal-organic frameworks of [(CH3)2NH2] FeII(HCOO)3, [(CH3)2NH2]CoII(HCOO)3 and [(CH3)2NH2]FeIIIFeII(HCOO)6 Zhou H. T., Pan D. S., Li Y., Li D., Choi C. J. & Zhang Z. D. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2020
SiCf/Ti65复合材料界面反应与基体相变机理 王超,张旭,王玉敏,杨青,杨丽娜,张国兴,吴颖,孔旭,杨锐 金属学报 2020
Damage identification in fiber reinforced titanium matrix composites using acoustic emission Kong X, Wang Y M, Yang Q, Zhang X, Zhang G X, Yang L N, Wu Y, Yang R Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020
SiCf/Ti6242复合材料热机械疲劳损伤原位研究 孔旭, 王玉敏, 杨青, 边舫, 张旭, 张国兴, 杨丽娜, 吴颖, 杨锐 稀有金属材料与工程 2020
复合材料整体叶环超转试验件损伤失效机理研究 杨丽娜,王玉敏,张旭,张国兴,杨青,吴颖,孔旭,杨锐 第二十一届全国复合材料学术会议(NCCM-21) 2020 DOI:10.26914/c. cnkihy.c2020.015869
CFD Simulation of Single-phase Flow Characteristics and Pressure Drop in SiC Hollow-strut Foam Microchannel Reactors Zhang Y, Gao Y, Yang Z M, Zhang J S IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2020
航空发动机整体叶环中纤维断丝超声检测方法 武玉鹏 张 博 李经明 张双楠 吴 颖 王玉敏 蔡桂喜 金属学报 2020
5通道铁磁探测仪的研发与锅炉管堵塞检测 王玺润 张双楠 蔡桂喜 李建奎 张博 杨亮 武玉鹏 振动.测试与诊断 2020
高速列车薄壁型材激光-MIG复合焊对接焊缝检测 周庆祥 刘芳 李经明 李建奎 张双楠 蔡桂喜 中国铁道科学 2020
不锈钢管内壁腐蚀层厚度的涡流检测仿真 刘峰 李宏伟 张双楠 蔡桂喜 李建奎 沈阳工业大学学报 2020
Mechanisms of rhenium on wettability and interactions between Nickel?base superalloy melt and?Al2O3?based ceramic material Zi Y, Meng J, Zhang C W, Zhou Y Z, Ding Y T Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters 2020
Effects of yttrium on wettability and interactions between molten superalloy and SiO2-based ceramic core Zi Y, Meng J, Zou M K, Xu W, Li J G, Xu K, Zhou Y Z Ceramics International 2020
Wettability and interfacial reactions of a low Hf-containing nickel-based superalloy on Al2O3-based, SiO2-based, ZrSiO4, and CoAl2O4 substrates Wang H W,Yang J X, Meng J, Yang Y H, Zhou Y Z Ceramics International 2020
Effect of Long-term Thermal Exposures on Tensile Behaviors of K416B Nickel-Based Chen M K, Xie J, Shu D L, Hou G C, Xun S L, Yu J J, Liu L R, Sun X F, Zhou Y Z Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters 2020
Hot deformation behavior and workability of a Ni–Co based superalloy Liu P, Zhang R, Yuan Y, Cui C Y, Zhou Y Z, Sun X F Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020
Fracture mechanism of transient liquid phase bonding joint of γ′-strengthened Co-based single crystal superalloy Wang S Y, Sun Y, Hou X Y, Cui C Y, Sun X F, Zhou Y Z Materials Letters 2020
Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of a vacuum brazed joint of γ′-strengthened Co-based single crystal superalloy before and after the post-bond heat treatment Wang S Y, Sun Y, Hou X Y, Cui C Y, Sun X F, Zhou Y Z Vaccum 2020
Effects of rejuvenation heat treatment on microstructure and creep property of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy Tan K J, Wang X G, Liang J J, Meng J, Zhou Y Z, Sun X F Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in a wrought Ni–Co based superalloy Zhang R, Tian C G, Cui C Y, Zhou Y Z, Sun X.F Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020
Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in wrought Ni-based superalloys: Experiments and mechanisms Cui C Y, Zhang R, Zhou Y Z, Sun X F Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020

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