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2019-10-24 |
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Superplastic behavior of friction stir processed ZK60 magnesium alloy |
G.M. Xie, Z.A. Luo, Z.Y. Ma, P. Xue, G.D. Wang |
Mater. Trans. |
52, 12 (2011) 2278-2281 |
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Effect of rotation rate on microstructures and mechanical properties of FSW Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy joints |
G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, Z.A. Luo, P. Xue, G.D. Wang |
J. Mater. Sci. Technol. |
27, 12 (2011) 1157-1164 |
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Superplasticity governed by effective grain size and its distribution in fine-grained aluminum alloys |
F.C. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
530 (2011) 548-558 |
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Achieving high-property friction stir welded aluminum/copper lap joint at a low heat input |
P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, D. Wang, Z.Y. Ma |
Sci. Technol. Weld. Join. |
16, 8 (2011) 657-661 |
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Formation mechanism of in situ Al3Ti in Al matrix during hot pressing and subsequent friction stir processing |
Q. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, D. Wang, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Chem. Phys. |
130, 3 (2011) 1109-1117 |
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Microstructure evolution and elemental diffusion of SiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composites prepared from elemental powder during hot pressing |
Q. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Sci. |
46, 21(2011) 6783-6793 |
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Interface structure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermet and 17-4PH stainless steel joint brazed with nickel-base filler metal BNi-2 |
F.Z. Wang, Q.Z. Wang, B.H. Yu, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Process. Technol. |
211, 11 (2011) 1804-1809 |
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A transient thermal model for friction stir weld. Part I: The model |
X.X. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
42, 10 (2011) 3218-3228 |
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A transient thermal model for friction stir weld. Part II: Effects of weld conditions |
X.X. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
42, 10 (2011) 3229-3239 |
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Effect of hot extrusion on interfacial microstructure and tensile properties of SiCp/2009Al composites fabricated at different hot pressing temperatures |
P. Jin, B.L. Xiao, Q.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Ma, Y. Liu, S. Li |
J. Mater. Sci. Technol. |
27, 6 (2011) pp. 518-524 |
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Effect of multiple-pass Friction Stir Processing overlapping on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast NiAl bronze |
D.R. Ni, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
42, 8 (2011) 2125-2135 |
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Achieving high strain rate superplasticity in Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy produced by friction stir processing |
Q. Yang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Scripta Mater. |
65, 4 (2011) 335-338 |
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In situ Al3Ti and Al2O3 nanoparticles reinforced Al composites produced by friction stir processing in an Al-TiO2 system |
Q. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Q.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Lett. |
65, 13 (2011) 2070-2072 |
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Effect of Alclad layer on material flow and defect formation in friction stir welded 2024 aluminum alloy |
Z. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, D. Wang, Z.Y. Ma |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
42A, 6 (2011) 1717-1726 |
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Effect of friction stir welding parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar Al-Cu joints |
P. Xue, D.R. Ni, D. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
528, 13-14 (2011) 4683-4689 |
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Achieving friction stir welded pure copper joints with nearly-equal strength to parent metal via additional rapid cooling |
P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Q. Zhang, Z.Y. Ma |
Scripta Mater. |
64, 11 (2011) 1051-1054 |
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Realization of exceptionally high elongation at high strain rate in a friction stir processed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with the presence of liquid phase |
K. Wang, F.C. Liu, Z.Y. Ma, F.C. Zhang |
Scripta Mater. |
64, 6 (2011) 572-575 |
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Enhanced mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr casting via friction stir processing |
B.L. Xiao, Q. Yang, J. Yang, W.G. Wang, G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Alloy. Compd. |
509, 6 (2011) 2879-2884 |
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Effect of solution temperature on aging behavior and properties of SiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composites |
P. Jin, B.L. Xiao, Q.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Ma, Y. Liu, S. Li |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
A 528, 3 (2011) 1504-1511 |
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An enhanced FEM model for particle size dependent flow strengthening and interface damage of particle reinforced metal matrix composites |
J.C. Shao, B.L. Xiao, Q.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Ma, K. Yang |
Compos. Sci. Technol. |
71, 1 (2011) 39-45 |
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热压烧结温度对SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料微观组织及力学性能的影响 |
金鹏,肖伯律,王全兆,马宗义,刘越,李曙 |
金属学报 |
47, 3 (2011) 298-304 |
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采用BNi-7的Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷与17-4PH沉淀硬化不锈钢的真空钎焊研究 |
王风振,王全兆,于宝海,肖伯律,马宗义 |
材料研究学报 |
25, 6 (2011) 573-578 |
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