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2015年发表论文 |
2019-10-24 |
【大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 |
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Dynamic precipitation of Al–Zn alloy during rolling and accumulative roll bonding |
C.Y. Liu, L. Yu, M.Z. Ma, R.P. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
Philos. Mag. Lett. |
95, 11 (2015) 1-8 |
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Enhancing mechanical properties of friction stir welded 2219Al-T6 joints at high welding speed through water cooling and post-welding artificial aging |
Z. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Charact. |
106 (2015) 255-265 |
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Microstructure, mechanical properties and formability of friction stir processed interstitial-free steel |
D.M. Sekban, O. Saray, S.M. Aktarer, G. Purcek, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
642 (2015) 57-64 |
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Effect of two-pass friction stir processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast binary Al-12Si alloy |
S.M. Aktarer, D.M. Sekban, O. Saray, T. Kucukomeroglu, Z.Y. Ma, G. Purcek |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
636 (2015) 311–319 |
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Effect of interface microstructure evolution on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of friction stir welded Al-Cu joints |
P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
46, 7 (2015) 3091-3103 |
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Influence of Zn interlayer addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AZ31 Mg alloy |
R.Z. Xu, D.R. Ni, Q. Yang, C.Z. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Sci. |
50, 12 (2015) 4160-4173 |
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Microstructure and phase stress partition of Mo fiber reinforced CuZnAl composite |
F. Yang, D.R. Ni, S.J. Hao, S.R. Li, Z.Y. Ma, Y.N. Liu, C. Feng, L.S. Cui |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
628 (2015) 419-422 |
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Multi-scale modeling of the macroscopic, elastic mismatch and thermal misfit stresses in metal matrix composites |
X.X. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Heiko Andra, Z.Y. Ma |
Compos. Struc. |
125 (2015) 176-187 |
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Influencing mechanism of Zn interlayer addition on hook defects of friction stir spot welded Mg-Al-Zn alloy joints |
R.Z. Xu, D.R. Ni, Q. Yang, C.Z. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Design |
69 (2015) 163–169 |
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Characterization of the corrosion product films formed on the as-cast and friction-stir processed Ni-Al bronze in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution |
Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma |
Corrosion |
71, 5 (2015) 606-614 |
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Studies of the nobility of phases using scanning Kelvin probe microscopy and its relationship to corrosion behaviour of Ni–Al bronze in chloride media |
Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma |
Corros. Sci. |
92 (2015) 95-103 |
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Determination of macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses in friction stir welded metal matrix composites via neutron diffraction |
X.X. Zhang, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, H. Andra, W.M. Gan, M. Hofmann, Z.Y. Ma |
Acta Mater. |
87 (2015) 161-173 |
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Interfacial reaction mechanism between matrix and reinforcement in B4C/6061Al composites |
Y.Z. Li, Q.Z. Wang, W.G. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Chem. Phys. |
154 (2015) 107-117 |
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Study on distribution of long-period stacking ordered phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy using friction stir processing |
Q. Yang, B.L. Xiao, D. Wang, M.Y. Zheng, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
626 (2015) 275-285 |
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Achieving superior superplasticity from lamellar microstructure of nugget in a friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V joint |
L.H. Wu, B.L. Xiao, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma, X.H. Li, M.J. Fu, Y.S. Zeng |
Scripta Mater. |
98 (2015) 44-47 |
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Low cycle fatigue of SiCp reinforced AA2009 composites |
M.J. Luk, F.A. Mirza, D.L. Chen, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Design |
66 (2015) 274-283 |
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Effect of interfacial reaction on age-hardening ability of B4C/6061Al composites |
Y.Z. Li, Q.Z. Wang, W.G. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
620 (2015) 445-453 |
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Effects of heating rates on microstructure and superplastic behavior of friction stir processed 7075 aluminum alloy |
K. Wang, F.C. Liu, P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Sci. |
50, 2 (2015) 1006-1015 |
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Solid-state ultrasonic spot welding of SiCp/2009Al composite sheets |
V.K. Patel, S.D. Bhole, D.L. Chen, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Design |
65 (2015) 489-495 |
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7B04铝合金薄板的搅拌摩擦焊接及接头与低温超塑性研究 |
杨超,王继杰,马宗义,倪丁瑞, 付明杰,李晓华,曾元松 |
金属学报 |
51,12 (2015) 1449-1456 |
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固溶处理对7B04-O铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接接头微观组织与力学性能的影响 |
韩培培,杨超,王继杰,杜宝瑞,刘晓寒,薛鹏,马宗义,倪丁瑞 |
机械工程学报 |
51,22 (2015) 35-41 |
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包铝层对7B04-O铝合金薄板搅拌摩擦搭接性能影响 |
杨超,王继杰,韩培培,杜宝瑞,刘晓寒,薛鹏,马宗义,倪丁瑞 |
机械工程学报 |
51,22 (2015) 54-59 |
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SiCp/Al复合材料热轧过程的有限元模拟 |
周丽,王唱舟,张星星,肖伯律,马宗义 |
金属学报 |
51, 7 (2015) 889-896 |
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铝-钢异种金属搅拌摩擦焊研究现状及展望 |
相倩,吕念春,薛鹏,马宗义 |
机械工程学报 |
51,6(2015)45-54 |
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