研究成果 |
2017年发表论文 |
2019-10-24 |
【大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 |
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发表期刊 |
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Improving joint performance of friction stir welded wrought Mg alloy by controlling non-uniform deformation behavior |
Q. Shang, D.R. Ni, P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
707 (2017) 426-434 |
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Friction stir welding of carbon nanotubes reinforced Al-Cu-Mg alloy composite plates |
K. Zhao, Z.Y. Liu, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Sci. Technol. |
33, 9 (2017) 1004-1008 |
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Enhanced mechanical properties of friction stir welded 5083Al-H19 joints with additional water cooling |
B.B. Wang, F.F. Chen, F. Liu, W.G. Wang, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Mater. Sci. Technol. |
33, 9 (2017) 1009-1014 |
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Distribution of the microalloying element Cu in B4C-reinforced 6061Al composites |
Y.T. Zhou, Y.N. Zan, S.J. Zheng, Q.Z. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma, X.L. Ma |
J. Alloy. Compd. |
728 (2017) 112-117 |
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Improved photocatalytic properties of ZnS/RGO nanocomposites prepared with GO solution in degrading methyl orange |
Y.L. Qin, Z. Sun, W.W. Zhao, Z.Y. Liu, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma |
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects |
10 (2017) 176–181 |
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Three-dimensional processing maps and microstructural evolution of a CNT-reinforced Al-Cu-Mg nanocomposite |
F. Mokdad, D.L. Chen, Z.Y. Liu, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
702 (2017) 425-437 |
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Hot deformation mechanisms and microstructure evolution of SiCp/2014Al composite |
Z.Y. Huang, X.X. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
J. Alloy. Compd. |
722 (2017) 145-157 |
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Simultaneously improving mechanical properties and damping capacity of Al-Mg-Si alloy through friction stir processing |
H.J. Jiang, Peng Xue, B Zhang, Z.Y. Ma, Kun Luo, M.Z. Ma, R.P. Liu |
Mater. Charact. |
131 (2017) 425-430 |
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Microstructural and mechanical evolution of a low carbon steel by friction stir processing |
D.M. Sekban, S.M. Aktarer, H. Zhang, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma, G. Purcek |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A |
48, 8 (2017) 3869-3879 |
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Finite element and experimental analysis of machinability during machining of high-volume fraction SiCp/Al composites |
L. Zhou, C. Cui, P.F. Zhang, Z.Y. Ma |
Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. |
91 (2017) 1935–1944 |
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Fabrication of Al-35Zn alloys with excellent damping capacity and mechanical properties |
H.J. Jiang, C.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Ma, X. Zhang, M.Z. Ma, R.P. Liu |
J. Alloy. Compd. |
722 (2017) 138-144 |
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Effect of scandium on microstructure and mechanical properties of high zinc concentration aluminum alloys |
W.B. Zhou, C.Y. Liu, B. Zhang, Z.Y. Ma, K. Luo, M.Z. Ma, R.P. Liu |
Mater. Charact. |
127 (2017) 371-378 |
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Effect of S2- donors on synthesizing and photocatalytic degrading properties of ZnS/RGO nanocomposite |
Y.L. Qin, Z. Sun, Z.Y. Liu, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma |
Applied Physics A |
123, 5 (2017) 355 |
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Influence of Zn coating on the friction stir spot welded magnesium-aluminum joint |
R.Z. Xu, D.R. Ni, Q. Yang, C.Z. Liu, Z.Y. Ma |
Sci. Technol. Weld. Join. |
22, 6 (2017) 512–519 |
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Hot deformation and activation energy of a CNT-reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposite |
F. Mokdad, D.L. Chen, Z.Y. Liu, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
695 (2017) 322–331 |
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Evolution of local texture and its effect on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of friction stir welded joint of extruded Mg-3A1-1Zn alloy |
Q. Shang, D.R. Ni, P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Charact. |
128 (2017) 14-22 |
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Origin of unusual fracture in stirred zone for friction stir welded 2198-T8 Al-Li alloy joints |
Y. Tao, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma, W. Wu, R.X. Zhang, Y.S. Zeng |
Mater. Sci. Eng. A |
693 (2017) 1-13 |
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Modelling of carbon nanotube dispersion and strengthening mechanisms in Al matrix composites prepared by high energy ball milling-powder metallurgy method |
Z.Y. Liu, B.L. Xiao, W.G. Wang, Z.Y. Ma |
Compos. A |
94 (2017) 189–198 |
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Enhanced multiscale modeling of macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses evolution during multi-thermo-mechanical processes |
X.X. Zhang, D. Wang, B.L. Xiao, H. Andra, W.M. Gan, M. Hofmann, Z.Y. Ma |
Mater. Des. |
115 (2017) 364–378 |
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Recent advances in friction stir welding/processing of aluminum alloys: microstructural evolution and mechanical properties |
Z.Y. Ma, A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen, J. Shen |
Crit. Rev. Solid State |
43, 4 (2018) 269–333 |
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片层石墨尺寸对片层石墨/铝复合材料的强度和热导率的影响 |
刘晓云, 王文广, 王 东, 肖伯律, 倪丁瑞, 陈礼清, 马宗义 |
金属学报 |
53,7 (2017) 869-878 |
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铝-钢异种金属搅拌摩擦焊研究现状及展望 |
相倩,吕念春,薛鹏,马宗义 |
机械工程学报 |
53,20 (2017) 28-37 |
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锌夹层添加对镁-铝异种金属搅拌摩擦点焊接头组织与性能的影响 |
徐荣正,倪丁瑞,刘春忠,马宗义 |
机械工程学报 |
53,4 (2017)18-25 |
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