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【10.18】Speaker: Prof. Claudia Felser
Lee Hsun Lecture Series
2024-10-11 | 文章来源:李薰奖办公室        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Topology and Chirality

Speaker: Prof. Claudia Felser 

Max Planck Institute Chemical Physics of Solids,Dresden,Germany 

Time: 10:00-11:30,Oct.18th,2024

Venue: Room 403,Shi Changxu Building,IMR CAS

Brief introduction: 

Topology, a well-established concept in mathematics, has nowadays become essential to describe condensed matter. At its core are chiral electron states on the bulk, surfaces and edges of the condensed matter systems, in which spin and momentum of the electrons are locked parallel or anti-parallel to each other. Magnetic and non-magnetic Weyl semimetals, for example, exhibit chiral bulk states that have enabled the realization of predictions from high energy and astrophysics involving the chiral quantum number, such as the chiral anomaly, the mixed axial-gravitational anomaly and axions. The potential for connecting chirality as a quantum number to other chiral phenomena across different areas of science, including the asymmetry of matter and antimatter and the homochirality of life, brings topological materials to the fore.

1.Topological Quantum Chemistry: Bradlyn et al.,Nature  547  298,(2017),Vergniory,et al.,Nature 566 480 (2019),Xu et al. Nature 586 (2020) 702, 

2.New Femions: Bradlyn,et al.,Science 353,aaf5037A (2016),Sanchez et al.,Nature 567 (2019) 500,Schröter et al.,Nature Physics 15 (2019) 759,Schröter Science 369 (2020) 179,Sessi et al,Nature Communications 11 (2020) 3507,Yao et al.,Nature Communications 11 (2020) 2033,Y. Yen,et al.,Nat.  Physics 2024 online preprint arXiv:2311.13217

3.Catalysis: B. Yan,et al.,Nature Com. 6 (2015) 10167,Guowei Li and Claudia Felser,APL 116 (2020) 070501. Qun Yang,et al.,Advanced Materials 32 (2020) 1908518,G Li,et al.,Angewandte Chemie 135 (2023),e202303296

Chiral electron with spin momentum locked and chiral molecules and their mirror image 


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