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Prof. Merton C. Flemings
·【9.30】Prof. Uwe Glatzel
Topic:Development Strategies for High Temperature Alloys
·【9.27】L.M. Manocha
题目:Carbon/Carbon composites...
Satish M. Manocha
题目:Porous Carbons for...
·【9.27】Dr. Dileep Singh
Lee Hsun Lecture Series
·【9.25】Dr. Xuan Gao
Lee Hsun Lecture Series
·【9.22】材料计算模拟沙龙第28期活动 [2013/09/18]
·【9.16】Prof. Shi Xue Dou
题目:Co-existence of opposite elements in...
·【9.14-17】 Third International Symposium on Materials and Materials and Reliability in Nuclear Power P... [2014/01/10]
·【9.13】Dr. Young Jin Kim
Topic: Electrochemical Mitigation of SCC...
·【9.13】 Dr. Ed Gerstner
Topic: How to get published in Nature...
·【9.12】Peter L. Andresen
Lee Hsun Lecture Series
·【9.12】Prof.Ronald G.Ballinger
Lee Hsun Lecture Series
·【9.10】功能材料沙龙第8期活动 [2013/09/09]
·【9.9】刘文庆 教授
·【9.9】Lee Hsun Lecture Series
Dr. Mingdong Dong
Topic: Quantitative Nanomechanical Measurements of Bio...
Prof. Michael Giersig
Title: Sophisticated Nanomaterials for Electronic A...
·【9.2】Dr. Hua Zhang
题目:Synthesis and Applications of Novel Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials
·【9.2】Lee Hsun Lecture Series
Prof. Michael Giersig
Topic: Research, results and future in creation fo...
·【8.28】SYNL不锈钢基础问题研究项目第六期研讨会 [2013/08/16]
·【8.27】功能材料沙龙第7期活动 [2013/08/21]
·【8.23】Prof. Xiang Yang Liu
Topic:Colloidal Crystallization...
·【8.22】Dr. Martin Zeleny
Topic:Ab Initio Study of Doping Effects in Shape Memory Alloys
(Dr.Oleksiy Khavryuchenko)
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